Sunday, July 22, 2012

The French Alps

Today was absolutely beautiful! We woke up early to get a head start on a 2.5 hour bus ride to the French Alps, arriving via public coach transit, the group walked a short distance and arrived at something resembling The Sound of Music. It's summer here, so the snow and ice wasn't a problem. Tourists and many French people simply come to the Alps to enjoy the summer weather and hiking, along with several other activities such as horseback riding, swimming, and rock climbing. Lunch was a picnic on the base of a sloping mountainside that overlooked the entire ski resort, which boasted all these activities plus tennis, a skate park, and a high ropes course even. We had the option to do the high ropes course and some zip lining, I saw the tennis courts and actually got a chance to play with my friend… he won 6-4 but I let it happen because I'm out of shape… 
Although we didn't have much time at the resort, the scenery is something that i will definitely remember. The mountains surround you so it almost feels like you are standing in the middle of a crater. The day ended with a long bus ride home and some sore walking back from the bus station to the residence. 

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