Thursday, July 19, 2012

Matisse and More

Today we started early at 9 am with a short class and an outing to the world famous Matisse Museum just a few tram stops away! There was a no cameras allowed policy at this particular museum, so unfortunately I won't have any works to post. The entire group was there from around 12 to 3 with a picnic lunch on the museum grounds. There is a beautiful park area that is just outside the mansion for visitors (by the way, I am pretty positive that admission is free!) The contrasting works of Matisse and Chagall was something that I thought about regularly during the visit. I noticed that Matisse utilizes the diversity between warm and cool colors along with line and shape. Chagall predominately uses free shapes as well but draws less attention to the distinction between color as warm and cool often intermingle in his pieces. The most interesting concept that I noticed in the Matisse collection  however was his simplicity. In addition, all of Matisse's works include a progression of some sort; this is mostly found in his sculptural work. I realized that his sculptures show the many complicated, human emotions and their expressions. Within the progression of sculptures for a single person, there is the abstract or interpreted perception coupled with the literal first glance- which I believe is the "big picture" of their look. After the museum we had the option of returning to the residence or shopping at the Galleries Lafayette. A small group of friends and I headed to the shopping portion which is unbelievable during this time of year. The summer sales are really great as well as the brands… many not found in America! Shopping ended at around 6 pm. We finally made it back to the residence for a hamburger cooking workshop, split up in to multiple groups throughout the residence for an easier flow of things. I was so full from my late lunch that I couldn't even look at the burgers! The day ends now with a night in the residence, considering most the head staff leaders are enjoying a much needed night off. Bonsoir!!!  

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! We must go to the Rodin and new Barnes as soon as you come home.
